Lose Weight and Keep it Off
How many times have you lost the same weight? Or lost weight and gained it right back, plus more? It’s time to learn how your body works, and this will stop happening. I got tired of having a few different sizes in my closet, never knowing what outfits would fit.
Are you ready to change your life? Drop Weight – Sleep Better – Lose Brain Fog and more, using food from your local grocery store?
Are YOU the next Success Story?
We’ve worked with hundreds of people and the stories just keep getting better. We even have seated workouts for our beginners or those who need to sit to get in their exercise, for any reason. Are you 40 to 80 years old? Tried many other ways to lose weight and feel better, only to gain the weight back and feel like nothing is ever going to work? That’s the common story from everyone that has joined us. Use our Instructions – Shopping List – Menus – Recipes – Cooking Videos, and so much more! Click the photo to join us!
My Motivation:
Clients like Karen are what motivate me. When people email me to tell me their results in such a short time, and tell me “this program is an answer to my prayers” it motivates me to keep making it better.

This is NOT a Mommy or Grammy Diet!
More men are joining and loving the program! This is a great couples program too, and you only need one membership! What a great way to improve your marriage: Get healthy together!
Used the Program for a Year!
You might wonder what to do after 10 days…. do it again! You’ll know what to do… just keep doing it! You even get bonus recipes and workouts to help! Laurie says the education she received was the key ingredient to her success.
Live Chat Testimonials
hi friends I want to introduce you to my
friend Julie she’s been in the program
for a little over a year now but I’m
gonna let her tell the
story hey everybody my name is Julie um
and gosh I cannot recommend this program
more um I started in the 10day program
probably about 15 months ago maybe a
little bit more um and I just kind of
kept repeating that over and over it
started working for me immediately the
weight started falling off an average of
a half a pound a day every month I would
add up what I had lost and sure enough
it was about a half a pound a day I lost
eily a good 80 pounds just by repeating
that 10-day program over and over again
with Marcy
support um and then I did transition she
came up with this with this more
advanced handheld program and I
transitioned into that and wowza I’m now
at 113 PBS and with that program there
is so much of a tribe and support that
is going on that has really helped me
and helps me to this day um just within
that 10day program with that 80 pounds
loss I I feel like I’m aging backwards I
feel better than I have in 30 years that
is no lie um I’ve always been high
energy but now I have even more energy
and I feel good enough to do things with
that energy I’m able to get out and go
to the gym I went on my first hiking
vacation ever I’ll be 60 in uh two
months and I went on my first hiking
vacation to Hocking Hills for five days
that has always been on my bucket list
loved the theory when I was young I was
active and just I couldn’t because I had
too many body aches and pains and um o
you know obese and I just couldn’t get
around and this
vacation it filled my soul it was it was
something that I never thought I could
do and I’m so grateful grateful that I
was able to do that
um I sleep better I sleep probably eight
hours a night now and I wake up
energized I don’t ever feel like I need
a nap um just I’m happier I’m just a
totally new person and I’m so
grateful to the program for bringing it
to me and I just know it can do that for
everybody if I can do this anybody
can thank you for that you you have me
tearing up I know you’re tearing up and
um I’ve loved watching your progress um
I you know I and I know you say if if
you can do it anyone can but you Dove
right in you know I joke that I have
cold turkeys and I have wieners and
people are we have to wean into the
program and cold turkeys Jump Right In
and that’s what you did and that is
really the best way to do it just grab
it it is take it seriously take your
health seriously um you know we’re we’re
not getting older we’re getting better
and you are a living proof of that and
and um I can’t wait to see you months
down the road and and and just see what
happens because it’s a NeverEnding pro
pro process it’s a lifestyle and you
have um you have totally embraced
it yeah I mean I truly feel like it has
been a life-saving decision to do this
in all-encompassing I mean you know
every part of my of my health every part
of my being um is just a healthier
because of this and um I mean I had
days years ago and I didn’t think I
would live to be 60 and now I’m I’m
facing it in uh two months and I’m
excited to turn 60 and I am super we’re
going into winter where I’m going to be
inside a little bit but I am super
excited to see what I’m going to be able
to do next year at 60 years old because
I think it’s even going to be better
than what I could do right
now yeah that’s awesome you and I both
we’re pushing 60 it’s not pushing us no
no yeah and it was it was pushing
us oh yeah I mean I was 58 and felt 75
wow no lie and now I’m you know almost
60 and truthfully feel 30 years old I
just had a breakfast with my old doctor
of 30 years who retired and she could
not believe it and the first thing she
said to me was you look just like you
did when I met you oh wow and she was
doctor for 30 years that’s awesome yeah
that is yeah that’s that’s that’s quite
a compliment um coming from your doctor
I love it um well I appreciate your time
today and uh like I said I I always look
forward to your progress um it is a
lifestyle it is not it is never ending
and so I will be seeing you and you know
we have in the bigger program we do have
quite a tribe um the 10day program
actually does have its own face
dedicated Facebook group so there’s kind
of a tribe there you can meet people you
can talk to people um and they will be
invited into have chances to come into
live talks on occasion um but definitely
I love how you ran with the 10day
program you grabbed it and you ran and
that’s and yes you’re living proof that
it works and it works really well so it
works fast it works fast so I mean for
me I started feeling better and dropping
weight so fast that you could not argue
with that so you just you you want more
of that yeah nice well thank you and
thank you for your time today I hope you
have a great day and I’ll talk to you
very soon all right thanks Marcy bye bye
just chime in and say that you know I’ve
my name is Chris kosis and my wife’s
Lori so we’ve been doing this since July
as well um we started
out thinking that we should wait but
because we’re going on this uh Alaskan
cruise and uh we said you know what
let’s just do it and figure it out so we
did everything went well uh we learned
see here’s the thing is I’ve been in the
food industry all my life all my career
since I was five years old I was taught
how to cook and um so I think I’m very
you know I’m kind of good at that but I
did it professionally and the crazy
thing is that it took me 40 years Marcy
right before I saw you again um I went
to school 29 Chris so I don’t know I
know I know exactly um and uh I’ve
learned more from Marcy in three weeks
of the program than I did in 20 years of
my culinary
career and when I mean what I mean by
that is not of how you cook things and
what you do with things it’s what are
the foods that you are consuming and
what do they do to your body that’s a
whole different
program and it matters yeah oh it’s huge
because there were certain things that
you would say that we need that we’re on
your list and I’m like I don’t like that
I don’t like that I don’t like that but
then H I said you know what I I just got
to do it and be all in and now that I
look back what is this uh this is uh
going into November so July August Fe
October November uh three and a half
going to four months and uh I’m down a
whole pant size a shirt size uh almost
25 pounds Marcy by the way I didn’t tell
you that but I’m goal yesterday um from
when I first said you know I’m just
gonna try to do this and I did it and
now I look back and I just say you know
we’re just going to keep going because
my wife lost almost 20 pounds and she’s
actually making cookies she does cookies
too so that’s even harder right now for
us but the smell is still good but we
don’t eat them
anymore so there she
is so you know we just uh we just having
fun and learning and that’s what I told
her I said you know I said I’m missing
Marty Marcy’s uh vide so let’s get back
online and and get the communication
going again because I feel that the
knowledge that Marcy giv you is just
it’s unbelievable and and and again you
know that that old saying that goes you
are what you eat exactly yeah yeah and I
talk about that one morning I talk about
these old sayings and and I remember
being little thinking you are what you
eat you know I’m not a not a hamburger
you know and but you’re you’re as
healthy as you eat really is what you
know what the saying probably should be
hi friends I want you to meet Tina Tina
first let’s start with a really
embarrassing question your
age 53 awesome 53 years young and so how
long did it take you to lose 30 pounds
yourself it took me a full year to lose
30 pounds by
myself okay and did you find you were
yo-yoing and hitting plateaus okay okay
yes and so now you’ve been with us 12
weeks and how much have you lost 36
pounds nice and it’s coming off weekly
comfortably yep nice that’s awesome um
and you are not someone who loves all
this food that we
eat no I don’t like a whole lot of it so
you’ve had to work a little harder to
make it
work yes I have to change certain things
because I don’t like it okay but you’ve
found that it can be done and you know
and that is something I help with if you
need it but I think you know you’ve I
know you’ve sent things to me but then
you’ve learned to figure them out and
you know that’s where the teaching comes
in handy so better sleep more energy
tell me about
that yes I sleep a whole lot better um
and I stay asleep longer I don’t wake up
you know every time I roll over I still
wake up to roll over but it’s it’s like
about three times in the night over when
it used to be you know 8 9 10 although
the time is throwing me off right now
and I’m getting up around four which I
don’t like but hey yeah yeah understood
I yes time change throws all of us off
in some way I think so one of the things
you dealt with that we sometimes see is
you had no support system at home
no none and and you to the point of
taunted yes that still happens all the
this is so good you’re missing out and
you can’t eat it yeah wow but you look
what you’ve done you fought it yes yeah
yeah and that’s awesome and that’s going
to be the difference in you know that’s
why it’s eating eat well to age well you
are going to age well and I already see
the big change in you thank you yeah
it’s been great working with you and I
appreciate your time here today and I
will talk to you very soon okay thank
you for working with me yeah absolutely
it’s been a pleasure okay bye bye hi
there this is my friend naen and I would
love for her to tell you her story I
know 22 years ago you had bariatric
surgery so tell us about that okay I had
a full gastric bypass
and here’s the difference okay so they
they make it so that the stomach is very
very small and you eat less so you can’t
take it in your body can’t handle it um
and of course you lose weight and I uh
the the difference is that now I’m
learning to eat healthy so I wish that I
had learned learned that then okay and
even after the surgery they don’t tell
you to eat healthy they tell you you
just eat less correct that’s exactly
right yeah and I think that’s why we’re
seeing so many bariatric patients come
to us now after they gained the weight
back because if we’re not eating well
we’re not going to keep that weight off
um and I know this was a life-saving
surgery for you though so you needed it
yes I did and I don’t regret it because
of that yeah yeah and can I ask your Aid
I am 70 years old yes and I’m watching
you age backwards which I love that is
so awesome um and so you joined
us couple years ago on our 10day program
yes I highly highly recommend that
program it is an eyeopener okay and then
I wanted more yeah and so then now
you’re in the full handheld program
where we work together and take it all
up a notch awesome um so tell me about
your energy level at your age even well
okay I run four businesses and I’m
staying I keep up with them that’s a lot
plus a full-time husband and that’s a
lot all you mean you mean a full-time
little boy I have one yes exactly and
two dogs that are puppies yeah so yes I
do have a lot of energy I have more now
than after I had the surgery when you
know I mean so you energy than 22 years
ago yes yeah yes that’s that’s amazing
and then how much weight have you lost
50 pounds that’s awesome awesome awesome
and you didn’t want to give up some of
the foods that I suggest giving up
because of what no it took me a while to
yeah it took me a while to give it up
yeah we we had a tug of war yes we did
yes we did and I’m not the only one
other people that happens across the
board I don’t tell people what to do I
educate them and they can make choices
like big boys and girls um but if we
want to see the better
results this this is when it happens so
awesome well I am I’ve loved working
with you and um love you um you know we
can’t we can’t really we were close
anyway but we can’t work together in
this program without becoming close you
know I can’t I can’t I’m not that person
no the support in this program is
immeasurable it’s it’s just so it’s
unbelievable yeah we become a tribe
never experienced that before anything
yeah that’s awesome to hear well I
appreciate your time I know you’ve got
to go run those four businesses or maybe
take a dog out to potty or something
but but um have a great day oh okay
there yeah there is that grandchildren
um so have a great day and I will talk
to you later okay thank you thank you
bye bye bye hello I wanted to introduce
to you my friend Diane Diane why don’t
you tell us your
story well I would love to um I’m Diane
and 67 years old my whole life I have
struggled with my
weight um it’s it’s always been an issue
with me up and down up and down um and I
have tried just about everything I was a
weight loss counselor for medical weight
loss I was a medical assistant so I have
worked in the field but I just couldn’t
keep it where I needed to be to be a
success and so I’ve known Marcy for many
years from her previous business and I
had been kind of trolling her website
for a year and I decided that I would
try Marcy because the things that I kept
reading about I liked what I saw I liked
what I heard on her little videos and I
thought this is a person I feel I can
trust and I’m going to give it a shot so
um I joined in May and um immediately I
started to feel better I started to eat
different than I ever ate before because
I had tried a lot of gimmick diets as
well as a lot of what they said would
work for me that didn’t really just keep
my weight off and sustain there um
feeling better was the first thing I
uh the second thing was that the weight
was really coming off I’m uh just over
33 lbs and I’m real close to where I
need to be and I’m watching what my body
is telling me where I need to be I’m at
a place right now in my weight uh that I
was at as a teenager and I stayed that
weight for many years so I also realize
my body’s I’m on a comeback here my body
anyway um and you know it’s just been
eating healthy foods for me and it feels
good to know that I’m making good
choices for myself and I’m not going to
say I’m 100% perfect every day because
I’m not and none of us are but it has
worked for me and when I was in a
situation for two weeks in a third world
country uh doing something and not in
control of what I ate I came home and uh
I the initial day I was a little heavier
and then like a day and a half later I
was even less than when I went so I know
this is sustainable I also know when I
was there and I couldn’t have what I’m
eating now which I prefer that I did not
feel well um and so that was a big
wakeup call as to the old way of eating
is not healthy for
me one of the other things that I really
like about the program is that I can
tailor things that I’m putting into the
food that I’m eating
for things that uh you know I struggle
with like for instance um you know I was
feeling a little under the weather today
so I mixed a little Marcy concoction and
I drank it um I’m feeling better now I
gave it to my husband this is helping me
and my family um my daughter has lost
over 12 pounds just through osmosis of
mom and some of the helpful hints but it
has been
lifechanging and very
sustainable I have met a lot of friends
people that I love people uh com
camaraderie here
um just so many things I can’t even tell
you this but I do want to say one thing
if you are on the fence or if you’re
saying Oh Christmas is coming up and
this and
that don’t wait sign up we’re going to
start another
program beginning of the year don’t wait
to sign up make a commitment to yourself
because you are worth it I can’t tell
you I’m 67 I don’t look 67 I don’t feel
67 um and
when I feel so I feel younger and if you
see people in the program what you’re
gonna see is everybody looks like
they’re getting
younger and we love it yeah and that is
so neat to see and you know a couple
things you touched on I love that when
you were on your missions trip that you
had tools I know you tried hard to stick
it and you really because of your
knowledge I know we talked and you
didn’t really gain weight while you were
there so you didn’t feel as good because
of the foods you you you didn’t have the
choices you needed um but you did not
gain weight plateaued for that two weeks
which that was fine came back got right
on program because you knew how and had
the tools
um but also we discussed at 67 would you
have had the energy to go build houses
and I know you said you wouldn’t have so
that was even a God thing that brought
you into the program I think when it did
got you ready for that and you know I
just I just think that’s a really cool
thing and I’ve loved working with you
yes I’ve known you gez long time and I’m
so glad that you joined and I can’t see
wait to
see what happens in your helpful
future yeah me either it’s going to be
it’s going to be good and even if
something catastrophic did happen to
I I know that I am doing my best for my
health and for my family absolutely so
that’s all you can do as your best
absolutely and the more knowledge you
have the better knowledge you have the
the better your best can be of course so
awesome well thank you for your time
today Diane and I will see you soon
thank you bye bye…
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